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bAbB bCbD bEbF bGbH bIbJ bKbL bMbN bObP bQbR bSbT bUbV bWbX bYbZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
BUILDING BAZAAR +buildings 35
C2I +buildings 36
buildings 37
CAPITAL SLIMS +buildings 34
CASA ROMA ANTICA +buildings 30
CASSIS PROJECTS +buildings 37
CASTLEMAINE xxxx +buildings 32
buildings 30
CATALAN +birds & buildings 37, 39
CAVIT COLLECTION +buildings 33
buildings 30
CHARDHAM +buildings 3
CHARIOT +buildings 42
CHD RESORTICO +buildings 37
CHEYYAR cement +buildings 19
CHOKHI DHANI +buildings 1, 4, 13, 15
CHOKHIDHANI +buildings 17, 22
buildings 30
CITI PROPERTIES +buildings 36
CITILIGHTS +buildings circl 16
CITIRAYA +buildings 40
CITY LIFE +buildings 12
CITY LOUNGE +buildings 9
CITY royal +buildings 30
CITY shoes +buildings & sho 25
buildings 25
CITY-WALK +buildings 16
CITYLINE +buildings 37
CITYSCAPE +buildings ribbon 9
buildings 36
CLIPPY MY sand +buildings 19
CLUB +buildings 3
COMMERCIAL TOUCH +buildings 16
CONMAT +buildings 35
CONSTECH +buildings 37
CORAL HOMES +buildings & ar 37
CORONET +buildings & crown 19
COS D'ESTOURNEL +buildings 33
CREDAI +buildings 36
CREDAI +sun map & buildings 37
CRICVILLE +buildings 41
CROWN plus +buildings 11
CRYSTAL +buildings 37
CV CONSTRUCTIONS +buildings 37
CVK infratech +buildings 37
buildings 37
DAWN LAC +buildings 2
DELMON +buildings 16
DELMON +buildings & square 7, 9, 11
DG DAMP guard +buildings 1
DHANRAJ cement +buildings 19
DHYANI cement +buildings ar 19
DIAMOND CITY +buildings 36, 37
DIVYA TEJA +buildings 37
DLF SILVER OAKS +buildings 19, 35, 37
DOLLAR +buildings 16
DOW STYROFOAM +buildings 17, 19
DOWNTOWN +buildings 24
DR +hand globe & buildings 36
DR. FIXO +buildings 1
DSP DEVELOPERS +buildings 37
E-REPAIR +buildings 1, 19
E2LM +buildings & plants 11, 42
E2LM +plants & buildings 9
EAT NEAT +leaf & buildings 31
ECO PROPERTIES +buildings 37
ECOVILLAGE +buildings trees 35, 43
EMMANUEL HOMES +buildings 36
EMPIRE INDIA +buildings 24, 37
ERA ASTER COURT +buildings 36
ERA ASTER court +buildings 37
EROMAT putty +buildings 2
buildings 3
ESSEL WORLD +buildings star 3, 30
ESTAPRENEURS +buildings 37
EUROBUILD +buildings 1
buildings 41
EXCEL PROPERTIES +buildings 36
FAIR BROKER.IN +buildings 36
buildings 36
FLAXCRETE +buildings 1
FORTUNA +buildings 37
FRIENDS +buildings 36
buildings 16
G CITY +buildings & cars 9, 41
buildings 6
GAJALAXMI tmt +buildings 6
GAJSAHARA cement +buildings 19
GALACTIC CITY +buildings 36
GALAXY group +buildings 37
GARDENIA INDIA +buildings 35
GAVO +buildings & hands 36
GD GUGNANI +buildings 35
GE BE CE +buildings & arcs 19
GFFC +buildings 36, 37
GH GURU HOMES +buildings 37
GIHED +buildings 16, 19, 42
GIPL METRO CITY +buildings 37
GIPL metro city +buildings 36
GIRIDHARI INFRA +buildings 37
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